
Serve cups of coffee as fast as you can with your keyboard!

Made for the TriJam #120 in ~10h! Theme: coffee.


<UpArrow> to serve the cup.

<DownArrow> to throw away the cup.

<LeftArrow> and <RightArrow> to move the cup.

WASD keys are used to manipulate the coffee machine, but exact controls are shuffled with each game! They can be used to add coffee, milk or froth to the cup or to fill the water reservoir.

How to play?

The goal is to serve as many cups of coffee as possible to clients in one minute.

Each client want a different kind of cup of coffee. You have to create a cup corresponding to what the client wants using the coffee machine.

To do so, place the cup under the right tap, and press the key corresponding to the tap (W, A, S or D). Repeat this action in the right order to reproduce the cup the client wants. Press <UpArrow> to serve the client.

If you fail, you can reset the cup by pressing <DownArrow>.

Using the coffee machine taps consume water. When no more water is available, you have to refill the reservoir by pressing the corresponding key (W, A, S or D).


Hi! I'm Martin and this is the first game I release for a game jam. I did this game to train myself to use the Godot engine and Aseprite. The development time was over 3 hours, but was mainly dedicated to learn how to use Godot and make good looking pixel art graphics using Aseprite. No sound for now, I don't know how to make good sound design yet.

To make this game I was inspired by the gameplay of Va-11 Hall-A, the cyberpunk bartender action game. In this game you can make different cocktail for your clients using the mouse, but also using secret keyboard shortcuts. I loved making cocktails super quickly using these shortcuts. So I took this mechanic and added a timer!

Pre-made assets

Font displaying scores digits:

Thank you to playing!


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Fun idea and nice monochromatic artwork!